The vault of doom is kept here, it contains the ‘treasure’ of many countries

The vault of doom is kept here, it contains the ‘treasure’ of many countries

You must have often seen in films that one day doomsday will come and everything will be destroyed . Religious gurus also often mention this. However, people who believe in science do not believe this, But they also agree that at the rate at which man is destroying natural resources, it will not be possible to eat food in a day"s1">-There will definitely be a shortage of drinking water and greenery and it will become difficult for humans to survive. Humans are already preparing for this, For which humans have even built a doomsday vault. Where such treasures of many countries are present which can save lives of people. Let us know today about this vault, where it is and what is its secret .

Where is the Vault of Doom?

There is a vault on earth called the Vault of Doom. It is said that a special thing is kept in this vault which will save the earth on the day of doom. Actually, according to the report of Daily Star, Svalbard Archipelago in Norway, in which there is an island named Spitsbergen, this island is very close to the North Pole. A vault has been built here.

The name of this vault is Svalbard Global Seed Vault. whichDoomsday Vaultis also called. It is so special because inside this huge vault, Seeds of crops grown in every country of the world have been kept.

Vault is a backup of backups

The special thing is that this vault is also a backup of the backup. That is because such seeds are preserved in every country, But due to natural disasters and floods, sometimes we are saved but it is not possible to save them. In such a situation, this vault has been kept for the situation when the grain will run out from everywhere. In this case, it can also be called a backup of a backupThis safe It was completed in 2008.

Of every variety 500 seeds present

In this safe More than 12 lakh seeds are available. That means here for every variety 500 seeds present. Besides this vault There is space to store 250 crore seeds . This is because if due to some disaster the crops on the whole earth get destroyed and foodIf drinking water problem arises then crops can be grown again through this vault. This is why it is also called the vault of doom.

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